Friday, October 23, 2009

Surviving "Survivor"

The show:
"Survivor: Samoa"

The issue:
The reality of reality

The set-up:
After 18 other seasons, you know the drill: A group of strangers is sent to live in a challenging environment, divide into teams and face off in challenges in which the losing team votes someone off the tribe. In this 19th incarnation, the living conditions on Samoa are unusually brutal.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A "Three Rivers" stumble

Since CBS sent the pilot of "Three Rivers" to media outlets earlier in the summer, things have changed.

First, there was the recasting of one character (the role played by Juliette Binoche is now played by Alfre Woodard) -- a fine, harmless change.

But the problem the show faces now is the switch-up of episodes. The one you'll see premiering at 9 p.m. today on CBS is completely new. That in itself is not a problem. The problem lies in the lack of backstory audiences will have about a key character: Ryan Abbott (Christopher J. Hanke) is a newbie to the organ donation team. In fact, as the assistant to the transplant coordinator, he's had zero experience in medicine. Mostly, he's been a radio DJ and reporter. He's clearly out of his element.